How to log in?To login in Reexer you can use a google account if you have it or you can create a new username and password just for the Reexer platform. Please see the next video with detailed step-by-step information. The Workspace How to create a Quiz exercise? How to create a class and assign exercises to your students? How can I see the taks done by my students? What is the Class Gradebook? How to define the Class Syllabus and Timetable? No items
How to log in if you are at leats 14 years old?To login in Reexer you can use a google accont if you have it or you can create a new username and password just for the Reexer platform. Please see the next video with detailed step-by-step information. No items
How to log in?To login in Reexer you can use a google accont if you have it or you can create a new username and password just for the reexer platform. Please see the next video with detailed step-by-step information. The Workspace No items
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